Pasties & Prosecco - Planning Your Dream Wedding in Cornwall

The Secret Weapon of Savvy Cornish Brides: Budget Wedding Planning Hacks

Francesca McCarthy Season 1 Episode 1

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Feeling the budget blues when planning your dream Cornish wedding? Don't fret, Cornish cuties! This episode of Pasties & Prosecco unlocks the secret weapon of savvy Cornish brides: budget wedding planning hacks!

Host Francesca, a bride-to-be herself, shares her expert tips and tricks to help you conquer your wedding budget without sacrificing the joy of your special day. From clever saving strategies and creative DIY ideas to negotiating with suppliers and prioritising your spending, you'll learn how to plan a stress-free and unforgettable Cornish wedding that stays within your means.

So grab a pasty (or your snack of choice) and get ready to discover:

  • Sneaky saving strategies to boost your wedding fund
  • DIY projects and budget-friendly alternatives that add a personal touch
  • Expert tips on negotiating with suppliers and getting the best deals
  • The art of prioritising and spending wisely on what matters most to you

Whether you're a champagne-wishing bride on a beer budget or simply looking for smart ways to save, this episode is packed with valuable insights and inspiration. Don't forget to check out our website, Manhay Farm Weddings & Events - Wedding Help, Barn Wedding (, for even more planning tips and resources. 

Cheers to love, laughter, and (hopefully) budget-friendly Cornish weddings!

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Hey Cornish cuties, are you getting hitched in this beautiful county and feeling a tad overwhelmed? Well, don't fret. I'm Francesca, owner of the stunning Manhay Farm, and this is  Pastis Prosecco, your one stop shop for all things wedding planning in Cornwall.  We'll be bringing you the best local suppliers, stress free wedding plans.

Busting tips, real bride stories, and enough fun to make you forget about those pesky spreadsheets. Because at Manhay Farm, we believe your wedding should be a joyful celebration of your love story and a chance to create lasting memories with family and friends. So grab a glass of Prosecco, popping in those earbuds and get ready to plan the most unique and unforgettable wedding ever. 

Hey everyone, and welcome to our first-ever episode of Pasties and Prosecco. I'm so excited. This month, I'm taking a break from the usual wedding planning admin to chat about something all too real: wedding planning and budget woes. So get ready because, as your host and a bride-to-be myself this month, I know exactly how those budget blues can hit. 

Let's face it, weddings can be expensive. Between the venue, the dress, the catering, the flowers, the list goes on and on and on. And if you're like me, you get carried away with the excitement and start booking suppliers left, right and center. And before you know it, it's too late. You're drowning in invoices. 

I've always been a girl with champagne taste and beer money,  but fear not, bridesmaid, because here's the thing: with a little planning, creativity, and maybe a cheeky glass of Prosecco for inspiration, 

You can absolutely have a beautiful and memorable wedding without blowing the budget. So grab a pasty.  Or a snack of your choice and settle in because I'm here to share some tips and tricks I've learned along the way from a bride to be who's been there. Done that, well, almost, and wants to help you avoid the financial stress. 

So, number one is preparation. First things first, let's talk about it. One key element many forget is having a dedicated savings account specifically for your wedding expenses. Many suppliers, especially small businesses, don't accept credit cards. Yeah, that's right. They want bank transfers, and I was completely unaware when I was planning my wedding. No one gives you a handbook on these things.

So make sure you have a dedicated account and then that will ensure you have the funds readily available to pay them directly when those invoices come in. Wow. I know what some of you might be thinking, Francesca, saving isn't exactly my strong point. Hey. Me too.  There's absolutely no judgment here. So if saving a lump sum feels overwhelming, consider a payment plan approach for some of your suppliers.

This is particularly helpful for the larger amounts, but just be aware that this may cost more compared to their standard payment plans.  The key is to be upfront and honest with your suppliers, explain your situation and see if they can help by offering payment plans or installment options that suit you better.

It never hurts to ask, and what's the worst that can happen? They say no.  Us business owners fully understand the challenges of juggling cash flow and remember behind Any brand, especially small businesses, as a person, just like you, who deals with the same worries and stress about paying the bills. As long as you're honest and you keep them in the loop, they will try and make it work with you.

So your wedding planning experience can be filled with joy and joy. Not sleepless nights filled with worry.  Number two, hard money talks. Talking about money is hard. It's awkward and it just feels yucky. But unfortunately, when it comes to your wedding planning, it's essential. So before you dive head first into Pinterest boards and swoon worthy wedding magazines, sit down with your partner and have an honest conversation about your finances.

Be open and upfront about what you're comfortable spending. And even more importantly, what matters most to you both, your special day.  If you don't have these talks, then it's going to lead to one thing only, when those bills come rolling in, and that's a big raging row.  Number three, your wedding, your way.

Remember, it's your wedding and it should reflect your unique style as a couple. Don't feel pressurized to create a picture perfect Instagram moment that breaks the bank. Focus on the things that truly matter to you, whether it's a stunning location, like Manhay Farm,  or your foodies and want to spend a chunk of your budget on delicious catering, or maybe you want to kill a band.

The most important thing is you choose to spend your money on what matters to you both. Not what will look good on social media. All the pretty things can usually be booked last minute. If you have the money left over in the budget,  like natural confetti, great for the environment, but not for your wallet.

Seriously though, do you know how much that stuff costs for all your guests? If you don't, look it up.  These are the small things that add up really quickly and will blow your budget. So write a list in order of priority. I'd say top five things to pay for in no particular order is usually the venue.

Dress, main entertainment option, food, rings. Then see how far your budget will stretch for decorations, photography, flowers, hair, makeup, et cetera. Yeah, it will probably involve another boring spreadsheet, but it will ensure you don't overspend.  Number four, shop around. So it's important to be your own wedding detective, shop around, compare prices, and don't be afraid to negotiate with suppliers.

Now, my friends that are suppliers are going to kill me for that one. There are some fantastic websites for budget friendly invitations, decorations, and even DIY projects. If you're feeling crafty, did someone say Timu? Am I pronouncing that right? Timu. I don't know. You know  the one I mean, the one where you order 64 items for a tenner from China.

Yeah, that one. At Manhay  Farm, I love it when brides show their crafty side. It really makes for a truly unique wedding. So if you're blessed with creativity, you will save pounds.  But if you haven't got a crafty bone in your body, then why not delegate tasks to your bridesmaids and family members that have the flair for design?

And no, it's not cheeky. Friends and family love to be involved in your big day. It makes them feel included and helpful, and it will make you feel loved and special, just be sure to show your appreciation for their time and effort. Maybe a post wedding brunch or give them a fun gift to say, thank you.  The final thoughts.

Remember, your wedding day is about celebrating your love story with the people you cherish most. Surround yourself with positive energy, focus on the joy of the occasion, and don't sweat the small stuff.  After all, The most important thing is the love you share with your partner. And that my friends is priceless. 

So thank you for joining me on this episode of Prosecco and Pasties. I hope you enjoyed it. Remember, you can find more wedding planning tips and resources on our website, www. weddingcornwall. co. uk. And of course, feel free to reach out and share your own budgeting hacks. After all, we're all in this together. 

Cheers to love, laughter, and hopefully budget friendly weddings. Until next time, goodbye.